Title: Breath of Calm: Navigating Emotional Landscapes Through Conscious Breathing

Title: Breath of Calm: Navigating Emotional Landscapes Through Conscious Breathing

This blog post dives into the profound connection between conscious breathing and emotional resilience for educators and children. By highlighting the breath-emotion link and citing relevant studies, it establishes conscious breathing as a powerful tool for emotional regulation and self-awareness. The downloadable toolkit enhances the reader’s experience by providing practical exercises that promote emotional balance through mindful breathing.

Unveiling the Power of Conscious Breathing for Educators Lesson1

Educator Skills Training BREATHING TRAINING BLOG SERIES   Unveiling the Power of Conscious Breathing for Educators Title: Breath of Wellness: Unleash the Potential of Conscious Breathing for Educators Lesson 1   Introduction:Welcome to the transformative...
The EYLF Learning Outcomes

The EYLF Learning Outcomes

The early years learning framework Learning Outcomes The Offical: Belonging, Being and Becoming Children have a strong sense of identityChildren know who they are and where they belong.  Indicators include: IDENTITY Children are connected and contribute to their...
Biodiversity in the back yard

Biodiversity in the back yard

A responsibility is given to Early Childhood Educators to ensure children are learning about nature and animals, our interdependence and connection to earth and all living things. We have a role of teaching children to understand, conserve and appreciate nature, so as to become protectors it.

Nature Play

Nature Play

Nature play is essential for babies and young children’s development. Australia has an abundance of natural beauty, diversity and rich indigenous heritage for children to experience. This is one of my most favourite images:  my twin baby nieces enjoying mud play...